{"version":3,"file":"static/npm.parse-entities.6aaad891.js","mappings":"2HAIA,IAAIA,EAIJC,EAAOC,QAEP,SAAsBC,GACpB,IACIC,EADAC,EAAS,IAAMF,EAAa,IAYhC,IATAH,EAAKA,GAAMM,SAASC,cAAc,MAC/BC,UAAYH,EATD,MAUdD,EAAOJ,EAAGS,aAODC,WAAWN,EAAKO,OAAS,IAAmC,SAAfR,EACpD,OAAO,EAIT,OAAOC,IAASC,GAAiBD,CACnC,C","sources":["../node_modules/parse-entities/decode-entity.browser.js"],"sourcesContent":["'use strict'\n\n/* eslint-env browser */\n\nvar el\n\nvar semicolon = 59 // ';'\n\nmodule.exports = decodeEntity\n\nfunction decodeEntity(characters) {\n var entity = '&' + characters + ';'\n var char\n\n el = el || document.createElement('i')\n el.innerHTML = entity\n char = el.textContent\n\n // Some entities do not require the closing semicolon (`¬` - for instance),\n // which leads to situations where parsing the assumed entity of ¬it; will\n // result in the string `¬it;`. When we encounter a trailing semicolon after\n // parsing and the entity to decode was not a semicolon (`;`), we can\n // assume that the matching was incomplete\n if (char.charCodeAt(char.length - 1) === semicolon && characters !== 'semi') {\n return false\n }\n\n // If the decoded string is equal to the input, the entity was not valid\n return char === entity ? false : char\n}\n"],"names":["el","module","exports","characters","char","entity","document","createElement","innerHTML","textContent","charCodeAt","length"],"sourceRoot":""}